Top-Tier Sport Injury Care

Expert Diagnosis and Treatment to Help Get You Back in the Game

At Girard Orthopaedic Surgeons Medical Group, Inc., we understand that amateur and professional athletes are at risk of painful sports injuries like tissue tears and fractures. Our on-site imaging tests ensure quick and accurate diagnosis of a sports-related injury. After diagnosis, our skilled team of orthopaedic surgeons provides a range of comprehensive treatment opportunities based on your unique needs. Our services include nonsurgical therapies and educational resources to help you completely recover to safely return to the sports you love and lower the risk of future injury.


What are sports injuries?


Sports injuries occur while participating in any sport or physical activity. Athletes at all levels are at increased risk of sports injuries, especially if they engage in high-impact sports like football and soccer or those involving repetitive movements like baseball or tennis.


Common sports injuries include:

  • Fractures
  • Joint Dislocations
  • Muscle and Tendon Strains
  • Ligament Sprains
  • Rotator Cuff Tears
  • Meniscus Tears
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Jumper’s Knee (Persistent Tendon Inflammation)


When to Seek Medical Attention


Ideally, you should schedule a diagnostic evaluation right after you experience any sports injury. Even if you don’t have immediate symptoms, sports injuries can worsen over time without proper treatment.

Symptoms to Watch for Include:

  • Pain
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • Loss of Range of Motion in a Joint
  • Inability to Bear Weight on Your Feet or Ankles


If you’ve suffered a head injury or have an open wound, call 911 or seek immediate medical attention at the nearest hospital emergency room. Our specialists can follow up on your orthopaedic care after your hospital discharge.


How are sports injuries treated?


At Girard Orthopaedic Surgeons Medical Group, Inc., we offer a range of nonsurgical treatments, including:

  • Rest
  • Lifestyle Changes
  • Heat or Ice Therapy
  • Prescription or Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication
  • Use of Crutches and Other Assistive Devices

Our sports injury specialists may recommend surgery if you’ve suffered a fracture, torn meniscus, or other severe injury. They use advanced, minimally invasive techniques to repair fractured bones or damaged soft tissues to ensure proper healing.

Physical therapy often restores complete muscle and joint function following an injury or surgery. Our therapists also provide tips to prevent further sports injuries during warmups and games.


Physical therapy often restores complete muscle and joint function following an injury or surgery. You can also ask your therapist for additional tips to prevent further sports injuries during warmups and games.


Get Back to Your Best Self


Don’t let sports injuries keep you sidelined. Call our team today to schedule an evaluation at 858-455-6460. Let us help you recover and return to the activities you love.

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